Title: Inside Beauty
Frame Size 18"x21"
Mixed Media
Inside Beauty is a term used to describe the exploration of one's inner self. It refers to the notion that the true beauty of a person is not reflected solely through their outward appearance, but rather through their thoughts, emotions, and character. The concept is illustrated through a complex color scheme consisting of reds, blues, and yellows, which represent the unique elements that make up a person's inner beauty. By embracing the idea of Inside Beauty, individuals can come to a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them, leading to greater self-awareness and personal fulfillment.
Inside Beauty
Perry grew up on the farmlands of Garrettsville, Ohio. At an early age he won numerous art awards in grade school and high school. Mr. Thompson graduated from Kent State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and went on to opening his own fine art gallery, 2 Islands Gallery on Captiva Island, Florida with tremendous success. Perry paints full time and enjoys the creativity on each of his paintings to share with the world.
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